Friday, 20 December 2024

Haitian Revolution - Haitian Flag Bearers and Commanders


I've been busy these past few weeks trying to tidy up my paint desk in readiness for the Painting Challenge that starts tomorrow. 
I started painting these months ago hoping to use them for my Haitian Revolution game at Broadside in June. But in the end didn't need them, so they were pushed to the back of the queue

All 4 figures are from Britannia Miniatures, which are available from Andy at Grubby Tanks.

I had to do a little conversion work, chopping off some heads and replacing them with black heads from Trent Miniatures range. I found an image of what the Haitian flags probably looked like and printed these off myself.

I also painted another 4 figures from Britannia, but this time holding the French flag!

So we could end up playing a game with 4 units of former slaves on each side fighting each other??

I also painted a few commanders for the Haitian's These are once again conversions of Britannia Miniatures, using Trent heads.

I quite liked the idea of having a figure with a red bicorne like the image of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. I suppose I should have painted white trousers????

Lastly 4 French Commanders from the Britannia range, these of course still have their heads in place.
So you can see just what you can do with just a little conversion work.

And that's it for todays post!


  1. Nice work Ray and grand additions to your collection, a little conversion work certainly changes the look of the figure, good stuff!

  2. Nice! Now you are ready and warmed up to hunker down for the painting challenge.

  3. Nice work Ray, love the flags, I was convinced they were fabric!

  4. Love this, what great minis and an interesting project

  5. Very nice work Ray and I particularly like the Dessalines figure, red trousers included!
    Have a great Christmas and New Year mate, hope all those lovely women in your life buy you lots of nice toys!

  6. Great additions to the Haitian collection Ray.

  7. Great work on all of these as always Ray!

  8. Great looking troops, Ray. Love the red bicorne.

  9. Very nice Ray. I love a good flag 🤣

  10. Your project continues to interest, nice work Ray.

  11. Very good looking figures. And a cool project though it covers a (for me) unknown conflict. That´s the great thing within our hobby. You can pick up some projects you are really interested in.

  12. Nice work Ray. Really like the commanders.

  13. Ray, you have really made the project come to life. There is a lot of research and skill shown throughout all the posts you have made on the Haiti history. Nice modeling on the command and the flags are just inspiring.

  14. Grand additions there Ray! Best wishes for a Jolly Christmas!

  15. They look great Ray. Was Diego Rivera the artist of the Dessalines painting? It looks like his style.

  16. Excellent work as always there Ray!

  17. An ever expanding collection, of great figures well painted. Ray. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  18. Splendid new toys Ray…
    It’s amazing the difference a simple but well considered head swap can make…

    All the best. Aly

    1. True, I'm very pleased at how they all came out tbh!

  19. Very smartly turned out units Ray….good luck with that challenge 🤔

    1. Thanks Matt, I'm looking forward to getting some figures painted.
