Saturday, 1 March 2025

Cavalier 2025 Loot


I picked up loads of loot from Cavalier last Sunday, including these marvelous trees from Debris of War!!
I'd not seen these thin tall trees before, so I bought the lot!

The rest!!

Some plastic horses from Conquest Games, ok they're Norman horses, but its 'orses for courses in my book!

A wagon from Iron Gate, I can see this covered in snow?

A bargain from the Bring n Buy, no greatcoats though, better buy more greenstuff?

This one seems apt for my current project?

I'll give them a read, maybe it won't be Volly and Bayonet for my WSS after all?

Very boring, Black, White and Grey

And lastly another bargain from the Bring n Buy, I couldn't resist these for £25. A bit in ink, rebasing and I'll have another 2 Guard units. Did I actually need them???
No, of course not.
But I couldn't help myself!

And that's the lot!


  1. Great haul, Ray! The Guardsmen were a steal. How could you pass up that bargain?

  2. That is a great haul of loot Ray and a couple of bargains as well

  3. Your enthusiasm is showing Ray! Quite a haul to get through

  4. That's a decent stash, Ray....the unpainted FR figures were certainly a good buy at £9!
