Friday, 14 March 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow, 1st Portuguese regt

Yep! More Retreat from Moscow figures, and more French allies too. This time we're heading to south western Europe, to Portugal. In Ney's Third Army were two regiments of Portuguese, the 1st and 2nd regiments. This is my version of the 1st. who were in Brigadier Gengoult's brigade along with the 24th Light Infantry.

The Portuguese Legion were formed from Portuguese nationals in 1808, with a strength of 6 Infantry and 2 Cavalry regts. They were re-organized in 1811 into 3 Infantry and 1 Cavalry regt. The Legion lost so many me in Russia that they were disbanded in 1813. 

Once again no  company (that I've found anyway) sell the Portuguese Legion in greatcoats. Perry minis make 1 figure in pack FN171, so that's out. So I came up with the idea of buying some plastic Victrix Waterloo Brits wearing a Belgic shako and cutting and filing those down to kinda match what they wore. Its not a bad match if I say so myself. The next problem I came across was the heads were a little small to match the Foundry figures I was going to Warlord French is was, but they still didn't fit because the heads had no collar. So once again, my trusty pack of Green Stuff came out, to make some scarves and collars. 

The Warlord figures are a little smaller than the Perry's, so I squirted some No More Nails from a tube onto each base, then gently pressed the figure onto the base, its hardly noticeable.

So onto the points, its a nice and easy one.......8 figures at 5 pts each makes 40 points, maybe a few extra for the conversion work, if Teemu's feeling generous??

Teemu was feeling generous and gave me an extra 2 points, giving me 42pts and a total of 1030, which as he reminded me was past my target of 1000 points!!


  1. I love that you cut them to make it work. That's cool. Happy Weekend.

  2. You are still cranking out the greatcoated troops, Ray, and you are in the home stretch. Great job on surpassing your 1,000 pt goal! Fine looking Portuguese.

  3. Some nice conversion work again Ray, they fit right in with your previous cold climate creations!

  4. Poor chaps look suitably frozen. Great work Ray

  5. Great work on them Ray, they have turned out really well, hard to imagine what those poor Portuguese troops though about the freezing cold in Russia, bit different from the homeland!

  6. Very nice conversions and the unit certainly conveys the look of being cold.

  7. Nicely done Ray I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to be a Portugese soldier in napoleons army you were bound to be considered cannon fodder I would have thought?

  8. Feel cold just looking at them, nicely done.
