Friday, 24 January 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - 24th Legere

Surprise Surprise! Here's more figures for my and Lee's  Retreat from Moscow project. 

These poor chilly souls are painted up to represent a detachment of the French 24th Legere, who fought in Ney's Third Army, 10th Division (Ledru), in Gengoult's Brigade. But in all honesty they could be from any French light infantry unit, or any other Grenadier or Voltigeur unit.

In Sharpe Practice, skirmish units are usually in 6 man units. The figures are from the great range of figures made by North Star for the Muskets & Tomahawks ruleset, and are sold as a 6 man unit, as seen here. I've included a commander, once again from North Star's range.
I hope more figures will be added to this great looking range........not that I actually need anymore figures???
But who am I kidding!

Once again I've included their very own base, which I painted up before the Challenge, when we found out no terrain items were allowed this time round.

Onto the points, nice and easy...
7 figures at 5pts each = 35 pts

These troops pushed me back up to 27th place with a total of 205 points.


  1. Sharp! And you have mastered the snow setting.

  2. Very nice Ray…
    They certainly fit in well with the storm that is blowing outside at the moment .

    All the best. Aly

  3. These fellas look cold! You and Lee are in locked in a chilling arms' race.

  4. Another great addition to your project Ray, they look super.

  5. You are really doing a fantastic job on this project, others have mentioned, you have got the snow on the tails of their great coats just right!
