Tuesday, 14 January 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - Limbo Bonus Round - Wagon's not so Ho! 25mm

The Abyss

First Circle: Limbo

This is where previous projects have stalled. Submit something that has been partially worked on from before. Yes, this can include terrain. :)

I've had these wagons for some time, they came to me from Dave Crook, who's friend Eric had passed on. Dave was helping Eric's widow sell on his massive collection. I already used some of the figures from this collection in previous Challenges. Some of my Ottoman's for example.

So here are two abandoned wagons, I'm not sure what make either are, to be honest?

The first bigger wagon, is a heavy lump of metal and include a dead horse and soldiers who sat down exhausted and never got up again.

The soldier is from Perry Miniatures and the horse is from Tiger Miniatures. Myself and Lee raided their bits box for a handful of horses that we could use as casualties. 

The horse needed quite a bit of filing to get him to lay down convincingly!

For the smaller wagon, again I'm not sure of the make? Or to be honest if it fits in with the 1812 period?

I've included another two dead figures, another chap who sat down and never got up, and another who fell.

So to the points....

20 points for the Limbo round = 20
2 x 25mm figures = 10
1 x 25mm dead figure = half points either 2 or 3, lets not do halves??
1 x 25mm horse - again 2 or 3 points?
2 x  25mm Wagons = 40pts 
( I do feel bad taking 40 points for the wagons, though????)

I'll leave the total to you Teemu.

Teemu gave me an extra 2 points!!


  1. Lovely job on those Ray, and it reminds me that I need to assemble and paint some wagons for my games, as generic scenery, marker or objectives etc.

    1. I shall look forward to see your wagons then Steve.

  2. These look fab, Ray! Perfect for the frozen steppes.

  3. Nice work Ray, and good to see Eric's stuff getting used - buying some of his 7YW figures got me back into this hobby!

    1. Thanks David. I've got plenty of different bits and pieces from Eric's collection. I may get more done during the Challenge. Who knows?

  4. These are both outstanding Ray!

  5. Cracking work Ray, lovely vignettes and very well put together, really well done.

  6. They will be splendid additions to the tabletop. I am feeling cold just looking at them.

  7. I like this type scatter terrain. Helps tell a story on the tabletop before any minis are even put down. Good stuff mate.

    1. Me too, I love little pieces like this. It does indeed help tell the story.

  8. Great work Ray. The snow effects look particularly nice on these.

  9. Morbid and amazing looking! Snow looks terrific.

  10. These and your other 1812 themed figures are sensational Ray. By geez they make me feel cold...!!!
    Regards, James

  11. Just about six degrees of frost tonight, the vignettes look much colder. Great work, very convincing!

  12. Wonderful work on those wagons! Points well deserved! 😉👍
