Tuesday, 7 January 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - Chasseurs a Pied 40 points


The best laid plans of mice and men!!
I was supposed to be keeping the majority of my French army to Ney's Third Army, but.......

well you've gotta paint some Guard haven't you?
I've called these the Chasseurs a Pied, but they could be any of the Guard regiments that were in Marshal Bessiers' Imperial Guard Army of 1812.

The figures are from North Stars Muskets & Tomahawks range of figures, unfortunately they only sell 3 units. The 8 figure Guard as seen here, an 8 figure Fusiler unit and a 6 figure Voltigeur unit, all of which will be seen at a later date.

Both Lee and myself bought movement trays for our troops, we were going to add them in as an entry during the Challenge, but when Curt disallowed terrain, we both satisfied our painting urge, by painting up all our bases beforehand. So each unit you see will have its own tray, which is great for storage purposes too!

Onto the points.

8 x 25mm figures @ 5pts each = 40pts!


  1. Setting them in snow is a nice touch. Looks very realistic.

  2. These are tough looking, grizzled old Guardsmen!

  3. You have done a really outstanding job on these Ray!

  4. Nice miniatures and a lovely job on them Ray.

  5. Love these and love their frosty facial whiskers!

    Care to share your snow recipe for their basing?

  6. Some nice veteran fighters there Ray, I especially like the frost/dirt effect on their greatcoats.
