Monday, 27 January 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - Meets The Silver Bayonet

For my second entry of the day I've gone all silver Bayonet on ya! I've no real interest in the game Silver Bayonet, but I've been a long admirer of the figures produced for the rules, they're so full of character. So I took full advantage of the recent offer from North Star, where you could buy the figures individually, rather than the unit boxes they usually sell in.

I managed to get this unit finished in time to take some pics and post it up. Sitting them on a radiator to help them dry quicker did help!

I painted the figures at the back first, the chap back o the left was supposed to be for my Haitian project, but Haiti's too hot for him,

The figure on the left, has a greenstuff cloak added

as does the Cuirassier on the right, all the others are as they came in the post. Which is a shame, they're both really nice figures and I've hidden all that wonderful detail under a cloak!!
I'm not sure if these will become a unit of stragglers or command figures if I'm being honest, they'll probably be a bit of both in the end.

Points mean prizes and these bad boys will give me 40 points.
8 figures@ 5pts each.

Teemu gave me a bonus of 2 points taking my total to 42pts, pushing me up to 23rd with 247 pts in total.


  1. Nice brushwork, Ray! You are working overtime to produce such a steady stream of Fernchmen.

    1. It's the Challenge Jon, I always push myself hard!

  2. More cracking work Ray although I do feel sorry for the Haitian refugee sent to the coldness of Russia!

    1. Yeh, poor chap, but I did paint him with thermal pants on, so he should be ok??

  3. These have some very nice character to them. I like them a lot. (IMO all the Silver Bullet range are pretty impressive). Would never had known the cloaks were greenstuff tho - nicely done Ray!

    1. Agreed all the range of figures are beauties. Shame I can't use more of them really?

  4. Wonderful paintjobs on some terrific sculpts - plus that snow base effect you've achieved is top notch too. Awesome posting, Ray.

  5. Lovely figures beautifully done again Ray. Some great poses among that lot.

    1. There are Lawrence, although I'm gutted the 2 best figures both needed a cloak and its hidden all the detail of the sculpting.

  6. Awesome looking Retreat soldiers, Ray!

  7. I really like those figures.

  8. Splendid looking French stragglers!
    Best Iain

  9. The Silver Bayonet figures always DO look very tempting, Ray.....and you have done a nice job on them!

    1. Thanks Keith, they are all great looking figures, the whole range of them, that is.

  10. These look a great addition. I have thought about these figures for Flintloque but didn't know about the opportunity to buy the figures singly. Perhaps I've dodged a silver bullet in terms of expense. I'm enjoying your new collection.

    1. You perhaps did, or you could go the whole hog and buy the lot???

  11. Really nice, effective snow effects, the diorama will be a big factor in your reports.

  12. Nice work on these Ray…
    They are lovely figures… I have quite a few of them sitting in the Lead Alp…
    Now that you have dipped your toes into or close to the Silver Bayonet pond will we see some Frozen Zombie Flesh Eating Cossacks…?

    All the best. Aly

  13. Very nice and you can almost feel the cold

  14. You did a great job on these Ray and I agree they do pack a lot of character!


  15. These are great Ray. Like you I like the look of the figures but not that interested in the game as such.

    1. The whole range is good. I wish I could use more of the figures.

  16. Nice work on these. Very 'out of the box' thinking with your choice of figures. Nicely done sir!

  17. Those are very splendid additions!

  18. I do love the variety in these Ray . Looking forward to a battle report in due course
