Wednesday, 19 January 2022

AHPC12 - Donnybrook - Polish Pancerni 1683


My first unit of Polish for the Battle for Vienna in 1683, I have previously part painted up a unit of Pancerni here, these will be the last unit of Pancerni, I only planned for the two units, I'm moving on to the Big Boys next, the Winged Hussars!! 

I really didn't know what figures to buy for this new Donnybrook army, so I've gone with a real mixture. The previous Pancerni unit was made up from Old Glory and Essex figures, which were quite small when compared to the Warfare Miniature Ottomans I painted up during the last Challenge.
I ummed and arred for a while and in the end I chose Redoubt Enterprises figures. As I'm sure some of you will know their figures do come up pretty large.
To be totally honest they fitted in size wise to Warfare like a glove and I was really impressed with the figures as a whole, they were clean and crisp with lots of different poses as well.

I kept the painting really simple using red as the dominant colour and am very pleased with the results.

I found the flag and others online and had to go with the red one!

9 x 10 = 90pts
These will push me up to 32nd


  1. Very colorful bunch - well done.
    It's really early here. I read you were painting some winged horses next. Not that it wouldn't be cool if you did...

  2. Pancerni units are a treat. Very cool eye candy. Great call on the standard as well.

  3. I would be pleased with the result too, Ray. Nice!

  4. They have turned out lovely, nice job on them. Redoubt have some real gems in their collection.

  5. Fabulous looking unit Ray, great job Sir!

  6. A nice unit Ray, and that shade of red works very well with them.

  7. Lovely toys Ray…
    I’ve always liked the Pancerni… maybe they are not as flash as the Winged Hussars but they look mean.

    All the best. Aly

    1. They were like painting Dark Age figures, all that lovely chain mail.

  8. Beautiful work once again Ray, Redoubt certainly are in the big side but they do some nice figures....I have a small collection of Wellington in India, using their figures...and very nice they are too!

    1. They are nice figures, wish they'd start making new figures again.

  9. Those look fantastic, Ray. 👍 Looking forward to the hussars 😀.

  10. Those are great looking forward to seeing them in action.

  11. So these are the unwinged hussars? :-D Wonderfull paintjob doen again on these figures! Looks like you still have that bottle of red paint! :-D


  12. Great paint-job o these guys, ca't wait to see the hussars.
